In The Beginning . . .

April 16, 2008 - 5 Responses

Welcome to the first of a series of posts I hope to continue to do weekly on all things tercero wines! It’s been a fun ‘journey’ thus far, over 5 years in the making, to get to this point and Christie and I are VERY excited to be releasing our wines shortly!

A brief background . . . It’s 2003 and I’ve achieved all I really set out to do in the publishing field . . . It’s time for a change, but what?!?!?!? Christie suggested wine – ‘You seem to really like the stuff – why not make a career out of it?’

My first thought was wine sales – I had a strong sales and marketing background and this would have been the ‘easiest’ route into the business . . . but we discussed this, and Christie stood firm – ‘If you’re going to do this, do it right!’

Next came a call to UC Davis, to Judy Blevins, the student coordinator for the Dept. of Viticulture and Enology. The main thrust of her comments were that many people had an interest in wine, but without knowing what the day to day chores a winemaker is responsible for, how can one truly know if this is what he or she wanted to do?

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